Smart Billet Homogenizing Furnace

Smart Billet Homogenizing

The Billet Homogenizing Furnace by GHI Smart Furnaces is a static furnace designed to homogenize billets of various shapes and sizes. It offers flexibility to accommodate customized production needs and can operate fully automatically from the reception of the billet batch to the completion of the thermal cycle to be followed.

Additionally, it is designed for flexibility in adapting to electric heating in the future.

'.<span class="road_rage">Smart</span> Billet Homogenizing <br />Furnace.'

Why Choose our Smart Billet Homogenizing Furnace? Our furnace is an industry-leading solution, offering a range of distinct advantages:

Guaranteed high-quality aluminium

Integrated Solution

The furnace design allows wide chamber volumes on each side of the load, creating a uniform gas pressure throughout the useful height, heating a uniform gas flow through the billets, allowing quick heating and tight temperature precision during the soaking period.

Flexibility for Customized Production Needs

Our Billet Homogenizing Furnace offers flexibility for customized production needs, with the possibility of successive expansions. This flexibility allows our plant to adapt to your changing production requirements.

Empowering autonomous furnace
Safety and sustainability at the core

Controlled Cooling for Reduced Heat Treatment Process Time

Our Billet Homogenizing Furnace includes controlled cooling to reduce the heat treating process time. This feature enhances production efficiency and reduces the overall process time, resulting in cost savings for your business.

Let Ana Portilla help you today.

Let Ana Portilla help you today.

Ana Portilla, Commercial Manager is here to help you understand how the Smart Billet Homogenizing Furnace can improve your aluminium production and answer any questions you may have and provide you with a personalized quote.