Light Metal Age – Highlights GHI’s World Record Rotary Tilting Furnace

The international press continues to recognize our latest technological achievement: the world’s largest rotary tilting furnace. The prestigious American publication, Light Metal Age, has published an extensive report on our groundbreaking furnace. This follows coverage by the English magazine Aluminium International Today and the German publication CECOF, Heat Processing.

Highlighting Key Features and Innovations

Light Metal Age’s article emphasizes that GHI’s furnace not only boosts the production capacity of Befesa’s recycling plant in Asúa, Spain, but also significantly reduces salt consumption and improves energy efficiency compared to the furnace it replaces.

Key features of this giant furnace include its excellent geometry, which facilitates easy slag emptying and cleaning, and the novel double door system that allows for continuous loading while in operation, minimizing heat losses.

Advanced Sensorization and Beyond 4.0 Platform

The article also details the advantages of the advanced sensorization and the Beyond 4.0 platform used by GHI. This technology provides real-time information about the furnace’s performance, offering improvement suggestions and promoting optimal maintenance and operation.

Acknowledging Prestigious Publications

We extend our gratitude to these prestigious publications for highlighting this important installation by GHI. Their coverage underscores the significance of our innovations in the aluminium recycling industry.

Read the articles directly from these links:

Light Metal Age – Highlights GHI’s World Record Rotary Tilting Furnace
GHI Furnaces

Join GHI Smart Furnaces at ALUMINIUM 2024!

GHI Smart Furnaces will showcase its innovative Smart Plants and Smart Furnaces at ALUMINIUM 2024. Visit Stand 6F59 to learn more about our sustainable aluminium recycling solutions.

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