GHI Smart Furnaces Expands Presence in Mexico with New Sales Office

GHI Smart Furnaces has reinforced its commitment to the Mexican market by opening a new sales office in Mexico City. This strategic move strengthens our presence in a country where GHI has been active for over 30 years.

Strengthening Market Position in Mexico

Mexico, with its vast geographical size and growing population, presents significant opportunities for GHI Smart Furnaces. The country’s growth over the past decade, particularly in the automotive industry, has fueled demand for advanced furnace technology. Major car manufacturers have established operations in Mexico, attracting a network of supporting industries. Recognizing this potential, GHI has made consistent efforts to engage with the Mexican market.

Active Engagement and Market Penetration

Throughout 2016, GHI conducted numerous business trips across Mexico. We participated as exhibitors at the largest aluminum and foundry trade fairs, and our presentations on aluminum industry equipment garnered considerable interest. GHI’s technology is highly regarded, positioning us as a leader in providing equipment and turnkey installations for the aluminum sector.

Opening the New Sales Office

To further our market penetration and expansion efforts, we decided to establish a dedicated sales office in Mexico City. This office will enable us to directly serve the Mexican market with personalized support. Iñaki Sáez, who is completing his Master’s Degree in Internationalization from the Basque Government, has joined our team to lead this initiative.

Direct Support and Future Goals

Our new office will facilitate direct interactions with Mexican clients, supported by GHI technicians who will provide regular on-site assistance. Initially, our focus will be on the cast aluminum sector. However, our long-term goal is to expand into other sectors and metals, broadening our impact in the Mexican market.

Embracing Industry 4.0

The new sales office will also support GHI’s Smart Process Improvement platform, ensuring that Mexican clients benefit from advanced sensorization, data capture, and digitalization technologies. This integration aligns with Industry 4.0 standards, promoting efficiency and operational excellence.

GHI Smart Furnaces Expands Presence in Mexico with New Sales Office
GHI Furnaces

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